What is rabbit starvation?

FAQs → What is rabbit starvation?

Rabbit starvation, also known as 'mal de caribou' or 'starvation disease,' is a condition that occurs when a person's diet consists primarily of lean protein sources, such as rabbit meat, without sufficient fat and calorie intake. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including extreme fatigue, weakness, and weight loss.

The name 'rabbit starvation' was coined by early American fur traders who found that eating large quantities of dried or smoked rabbit meat would leave them feeling lethargic and lacking in energy.

The condition is caused by the body's inability to process the high levels of protein from the rabbit meat without sufficient fat and calories to balance it out. Symptoms can also include muscle wasting, poor wound healing, and a general feeling of being 'run down.'

In extreme cases, rabbit starvation can lead to serious health problems, including cardiac issues and even death. It's essential for those who engage in hunting or rely on lean protein sources to supplement their diets with healthy fats and calories to avoid this condition.

Ryan Law

Ryan Law is the creator of Ash Tales and the author of the post-apocalyptic fantasy series The Rainmaker Writings.

Ryan has a 15-year long obsession with the end of the world, and has spent that time researching everything from homesteading to nuclear fallout patterns.

Ryan is a wilderness hiker and has trained with bushcraft and survival experts around the UK.


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