Featured Author

Hey there!

As one of the wonderful contributors to Ash Tales' growing pantheon of post apocalyptic stories, you're entitled to show-off the Ash Tales Featured Author badge.

The badge is designed to help raise awareness of your work, and the post apocalyptic genre, while fostering a sense of community between the site's growing network of talented authors.

You can add the badge to your blog, website or social media accounts—anywhere you want to promote your work. Thanks again for your contribution, and wear your badge with pride!

P.S - If web design isn't your thing, you can just copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page.

<a href="https://ashtales.com/"><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5d1f76052a7a5a0001101e0a/1562513934527-FSM3GXF6CISHNHUJ579P/Ash-Tales-Featured-Author-Badge.png" alt="Ash Tales - Featured Author Badge" width="300" height="300" /></a>

Click here to open the badge in a new tab.