What is hard tack?

Ah, hard tack—a staple of survival history and a love-hate relationship for many preppers! Hard tack, also known as hardtack or crackers, has been a reliable food source for centuries.

It's essentially an unleavened bread made from flour, water, and sometimes a pinch of salt. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled out thinly and baked until it's crispy and dry. The end result is a rock-hard cracker that can last indefinitely if stored properly in a dry environment. Yes, you read that right—indefinitely!

Hard tack has been consumed by soldiers, explorers, and settlers who needed a reliable food source on the go. It may not taste like much (I've had my fair share of bland meals), but it's filling, lightweight, and won't spoil easily. In fact, hard tack was a mainstay in many military rations throughout history.

So, if you ever find yourself facing a survival situation without access to fancy food prep or refrigeration, don't worry—hard tack is here to help. Just be sure to store it in an airtight container and don't try to eat it straight from the package—your teeth might not thank you.

Ryan Law

Ryan Law is the creator of Ash Tales and the author of the post-apocalyptic fantasy series The Rainmaker Writings.

Ryan has a 15-year long obsession with the end of the world, and has spent that time researching everything from homesteading to nuclear fallout patterns.

Ryan is a wilderness hiker and has trained with bushcraft and survival experts around the UK.


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