How much salt per pound of meat?

When it comes to curing or preserving meat, the general rule of thumb is to use 1/4 teaspoon of salt per pound of meat.

Yes, you read that right - 1/4 teaspoon! That might seem like a paltry amount, but trust me, it's just enough to get the job done without overpowering the natural flavor of your hard-earned kill (or store-bought meat, if you're not quite there yet).

Now, I know some folks swear by using more salt - up to 1/2 teaspoon or even a whole teaspoon per pound. But in my experience, that's just too much. You want to preserve the meat, not turn it into a salty sponge. So, stick with the tried-and-true 1/4 teaspoon ratio and you'll be enjoying your cured meats for weeks (or months) to come.

Ryan Law

Ryan Law is the creator of Ash Tales and the author of the post-apocalyptic fantasy series The Rainmaker Writings.

Ryan has a 15-year long obsession with the end of the world, and has spent that time researching everything from homesteading to nuclear fallout patterns.

Ryan is a wilderness hiker and has trained with bushcraft and survival experts around the UK.


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