How long does gasoline last?

The shelf life of gasoline depends on several factors, including storage conditions, additives, and the type of fuel. In general, gasoline can last anywhere from a few months to several years when stored properly. Here's what you need to know:

Indoor storage: when stored indoors in a cool, dry place (around 60 F to 70 F or 15 C to 21 C) with minimal exposure to air and light, gasoline can last for:

  • 6-12 months without significant degradation.

  • 1-2 years with minimal additives, like those found in most commercial fuels.

  • Up to 3 years with specialized storage stabilizers or additives designed specifically for long-term fuel storage.

Outdoor storage: when stored outdoors, gasoline is more prone to degrading due to exposure to heat, light, and moisture. In this case, gasoline can last for only a few months (3-6 months) before it starts to degrade significantly. Under ideal outdoor conditions (cool temperature, minimal sunlight, and no direct rain), you might get up to 1 year of usable fuel.

Keep in mind that gasoline's shelf life can be affected by:

  • Contamination: Impurities, moisture, or sediment in the fuel can reduce its lifespan.

  • Storage conditions: Temperature, humidity, and exposure to light all impact the fuel's longevity.

  • Additives: Some commercial fuels contain stabilizers or other additives that can extend their shelf life.

  • Type of gasoline: Different types of gasoline (e.g., premium vs. regular) may have varying shelf lives due to different formulations and additives.

In summary, gasoline can last anywhere from a few months to several years depending on storage conditions and the type of fuel. When storing gasoline, it's essential to maintain ideal conditions, monitor its condition regularly, and use the fuel within its recommended shelf life or properly dispose of it.

Ryan Law

Ryan Law is the creator of Ash Tales and the author of the post-apocalyptic fantasy series The Rainmaker Writings.

Ryan has a 15-year long obsession with the end of the world, and has spent that time researching everything from homesteading to nuclear fallout patterns.

Ryan is a wilderness hiker and has trained with bushcraft and survival experts around the UK.


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